Please read !! Thank you !!
-pour cold apple juice on the carpet and walk barefoot in the dark.
- Immediately after waking up, Stand in the rain (as long as there is pitch black) and repeat: "Good dog, do pee, hurry up, hurry up" ...
- Cover your best clothes with dog hair. In dark clothing used bright hair and dark in bright clothing, hair. As addition, in your morning coffee let some dog hair swim in it .
- Play "Catch" with a wet, slimy tennis ball.
- Run barefoot through the snow to close the garden door.
- Take a laundry basket with clean linen and spread the pieces all over the floor.
- Let your underwear lying in the living room, because the dog will take them there anyway (especially if you have guests).
-Spring out of your chair just before your favorite TV show is over and run to the door, shouting: No! No! Do it outside. Miss the conclusion of the TV Show.
- pour in the morning chocolate pudding on the carpet and wait until after work to clean it up.
- Take a screwdriver and carve holes in one leg of your dining table - it will be anyway chewed on .
-If you still are calm and loving after all that and your greatest desire is still a dog, then you're ready for your puppy!
-Take a warm, soft blanket out of the dryer and roll youself into it. This feeling you have when a puppy falls asleep on your lap. Be happy for the day when your new best friend, your new love, your new steady companion, your new family member, the most faithful creature on earth ... namely your new puppy get in his new "lifelong home" to be with you !!!
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